Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hi everyone! I am still here, I'm still breathing, and yes, I'm still planning on marrying the man of my dreams. All is well, well almost well! I'm busy, busy, busy. And I'm dealing with drama in my life right now, but nobody is going to steal my hear that you control freak, want everyone to live their lives for you, stupid jerks!? I'm happy and I don't give a shit if you aren't. When I go to sleep in 58 days, I am going to be married to a wonderful man who shows me more love each day than you will ever know in a lifetime! So thanks for making me appreciate what I have even more than I already did! Go ahead and continue living your lives of lies!
And to all of you who try to add to my joy rather than subtract from it....Thank you! You may not agree with everything that I do, or don't do, but I appreciate the unconditional love and forgiveness that you show me, I know a few people who could learn a lesson or two from you right now!

Dave....I am so thankful you are the man you are. I am so blessed to have you. I wouldn't want to be on this crazy adventure with anyone else. You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loved! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for letting me be myself and for loving me no matter what, and for letting me use my own brain, and not treating me like a child who needs to be told when to wipe their own ass!

Okay, whoa...I guess I needed to vent more than I thought that I did! Thanks for letting me! :)

Oh, yeah, and in case you missed it..................58 DAYS AND COUNTING!


Learning to Golf said...

Hang in there BB!! It is OK to just ignore those who don't like to see other people happy.

mq01 said...

big hugs! and woohoo, 58 days! :)

Dean "D-Day" said...

Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.

mrs rc said...

You tell 'em girl! :-)

Willy D said...

Ok ok, I’m sorry. I won’t pick on you anymore. But you didn’t need to bitch me out in public. You could’ve just whipped me in private.

IHG said...

What Dean said times a million! The older I get the more and more I don't care what people think. As long as I'm happy that's what counts more! B.B. you are one kick ass chick and don't ever change that...I know you won't!!! :)

In the words of your beloved Dave Pfffttttt to them all!!

Nattybug said...

You can vent ALL you want to. :) I love you and can't WAIT for August!!!!