I love kids, I love it when people bring their kids into my restaurant to eat. What I don't love is when people let their kids run around like it's their own personal playground.
Please, please, please, don't let your kids run around in restaurants. First of all, it is really rude to other people who are out trying to have a good time, and don't necessarily think it's cute when 'little Susie' is running into their chair and making them spill their drink in their lap.
But mostly, it's dangerous. Your children could be seriously hurt by spilt soup, hot food, or just being run over by a server on their way to a table. I would really hate to see your child with a scalded face because you couldn't keep them at the table.
If you want to go somewhere where you can eat and the kids can run....go on a picnic at a local park, or to a McDonald's that has a play yard.
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I think parents who let their kids run wild in restaurants, or any other public places, should be taken aside for a good beating. It's the ultimate in ignorance. Not only that, but these are usually the same people who leave their table and surrounding area trashed, and leave a shitty tip.
I have actually had a few waitresses make a point of saying to me what wonderful, well-behaved kids I have while eating out. I make them say please and thank you when ordering their meals, and I absolutely do not allow any fooling around or mess-making. I treat the table out just like I treat my own at home...with respect. That's the truth.
One time in a little breakfast/lunch place, this big family of Jerry Springer trash was at a set of 3 tables pushed together across the way from me. They were loud, abnoxious and rude. The manager actually had to come over and request them to keep their kids seated because they were running up and down the aisle between the tables screaming and disturbing everyone. The "parents" referred to the man as "an asshole" after he walked away because he dared speak to them about the conduct of their devil-spawn. When they left, 3, I kid you not, 3!, waitresses had to come over there to clean the tables, chairs and floor as there was food, dirty napkins, and God knows what else everywhere.
I don't know how you do it BB, my hat's off to you. If I owned my own restaurant, I wouldn't even ask oxygen thieves like that to keep their little snot pickers quiet, I'd throw 'em the f**k out on their ass! Great rant!
I agree with you BB and it's very annoying. We were at a Golden Co--l not long ago when a group behind us let their youngens goof around. They bumped my chair I don't know how many times before I turned and gave the Hispanic parents one of the silent cold looks. I remember the kids giving me a "What did I do?" looks trying to be all innocent and such.
Bump my chair once and I think it's just an accident. Twice, your being careless. Third time, your being rude as hell and invading my space and it had better stop.
If a waiter or waitress is good I leave a good tip. If service is lousy I keep my gratuity in my pocket even if it's built in which I don't abide by. My sister was a waitress for years so I respect the hard work they do.
Joker's got the right idea - toss 'em out! I don't know why restaurants don't do that. In just about every other business it's okay to fire a customer if they are being rude, obnoxious, irresponsible, uncivil to staff, or what have you (and it sure does feel good when you do!).
I hate when parents let their kids run around restaurants. It's so rude and just shows how bad a parent they are.
I don't work in a retaurant but in retail and the amount of times I have to say to kids 'no running in the shop' is unbelievable. Parents just don't seem to care as long as the kids ain't bothering them. If they hear me tell their kids to stop the running there might be a 'come here' or 'stop running' from the parent but it just starts up again. And they are the ones that always pick things up and never put them back where they got them. It bugs the hell outta me. And you know that if the kid runs into something and gets hurt the parent will go to their lawyer and try and get some cash and put the blame on others...parents like that need a smack and sent on a course on how to be a parent.
I admire you for putting up with these people for the length of a meal, I only have to deal with them for 20mins or so in the shop, that is more than enough for me.
The only thing worse than running kids is screaming kids. I was out once and a kid screamed for about 10 solid minutes and my daughter, age 7, asked what was wrong with that boy. I turned around and in a loud voice said, "I have a sock I would love to donate to shut that little brat up if you would like." The manager rushed over try to calm the parents who had the nerve to try to not pay the bill because I offended them. I was honorable and went over and blocked the door to prevent them from leaving. Faced with waiting for the cops they threw the money on the floor and I was asked to let them out. Their parting shot....."We won't ever be back here!" The waitresses remark..."Thank you! I hate people like that."
This is EXTREMELY annoying!!
I will generally throw a dirty look in the direction of the parents. Problem is...most parents now days will think of you as the asshole. Lord knows, it definitely can't be their angelic Johnny or darling Susie that's the problem.
I was taught to be polite and respectful in public and that's what I taught my daughters. Hopefully, they will teach the same to their kids someday.
I have just the opposite problem. If I go out with my daughter, it’s usually me running around acting like an A-hole.
bravo b.b.
I totally agree, there is a place for every occassion, restaurants for sitting and eating (not distracting other people or disturbing staff who are trying to make everyone happy and comfortable), playgrounds for running around playing. The sooner we teach our kids this wisdom the better so that they can fit well into society and enjoy the places they visit. This problem might also lead to loss of customers and bad label on the restaurant.
I agree with you as well. I am a waitress on Sundays at a local resturant/bar where i have worked for eight years. I have worked at many other places as a waitress as well. It amazes me the type of behavior the parents will allow from their children. I have many times almost spilled hot coffee or food on this children because they were grabbing my legs or running all over the place. Most of the time I would even up burning or cutting myself to avoid hurting them.
When I take my son out to eat he knows what kind of behavior is expected of him. If he doesn't give it then I will get up, tip the waitress and leave as punishment for his behavior. After doing this once or twice he has become a little gentleman. At least when we go out to eat-LMAO!
I agree with you BB and it's very annoying. We were at a Golden Co--l not long ago when a group behind us let their youngens goof around. They bumped my chair I don't know how many times before I turned and gave the Hispanic parents one of the silent cold looks. I remember the kids giving me a "What did I do?" looks trying to be all innocent and such.
Bump my chair once and I think it's just an accident. Twice, your being careless. Third time, your being rude as hell and invading my space and it had better stop.
I'm late to the party and a ton of comments on this subject have already been left. All of which I agree with. I have one particular set of second cousins in my family who have kids like this. They are getting older now. Not only do/did they pull this shit at restaurants, but when they are invited into someone else's home. It's sad. And it is hard to tell a family member that they need to make their children behave. I think parents who let their children misbehave in public are just plain fucking rude!
Absolutely right.
I would have to say I completely agree - yet Unfortunately I don't think it's acceptable in any public food court. I work in a McDonalds and we recently had an incident where a child, a young boy of two, ran directly out of the front doors and into the main road.
When I returned him to his mother (In a very distraught state, bearing in mind he had nearly been run over) she recieved him with a laugh and a 'Oh shit he's always doing that'
It's disgusting!!
Absolut Agree
I LOVE YOU!!! I'll never forget the night one of my girlfriends and I went to dinner and there were kids from a certain family just taking over. Climbing over the booth, running, crying & the parents said nothing. My girlfriend asked to be moved to another table (keep in mind she has 2 rambungshus boys). I asked her why she did that (thinking it wasn't anything to her having kids), and she looked at me and the waitress and said "when I am out to dinner I am relaxing and away. Kids need to learn manners. I don't want to hear it. I could have stayed home for this nonsense". I loved it and never have forgotten that.
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