Saturday, February 6, 2010

Restaurant Rant of the Week

I have decided to start a weekly series here on my blog. It is not motorcycle related, but it is something that is a huge part of my life, so as far as I'm concerned it's relevant.
I work in a restaurant and I love to go to restaurants, and one thing I've noticed is that we are all very quick to judge and rate service....but have you ever stopped for a minute to judge yourself as a guest? No? Well, then let me help you. Please consider this a Free Public Service.

For my first issue I will discuss seating in a restaurant. When you go into an establishment that is not "seat yourself", there is a reason it isn't. So unless you have an actual physical impairment that prevents you from sitting wherever the hostess/server is trying to seat you.......SHUT UP and SIT DOWN. There are reasons why we seat the restaurant the way that we do. It is not random. We have sections and table numbers and each server is assigned a section. We rotate tables for one to make it fair, but also so none of the servers get too many tables at once and end up getting overwhelmed.
Now, if you insist, of course we will seat you wherever you are the boss after all. But when that happens one of two things can come next. Either the server whose turn it was supposed to be will take you, even though you are not in their section, or the server whose section you are in will take you, even though it wasn't their turn.
Scenario one...A server takes a table out of their section- There is a very good likelihood that you will be forgotten. This isn't on purpose, but if they are busy in their section it is very easy to overlook a table that they were never supposed to have in the first place.
Scenario two...Your server probably got double, or triple sat, so they aren't going to get to you as fast as the other server would have. Your order will most likely come up right about the same time as the other table/s and may sit in the window for a minute while the other food is run first. You most likely won't get as good of service as you would have, because your server is getting overwhelmed with too many tables, especially if you aren't the only one with "particular seating desires".

That's it for this issue, I look forward to sharing more restaurant knowledge with all of you, and I can already tell that this is going to be very therapeutic for me.


Jessica Riggle said...

Love This!!!!!

Learning to Golf said...

Great info BB. Servers should all be grateful for you pointing this out.

FLHX_Dave said...

I don't care where I get seated, as long as my view of your ass is un-obstructed. (I prefer to be facing the door also.)

Good info

Willy D said...

This explains a lot. What it doesn’t explain is why the last time I visited your fine establishment, I was seated on the milk-crate out back next to the dumpster. What was that all about?

Mr. Motorcycle said...

Great advise.

Oz said...

Something for all of us to think about.

Webster World said...

My wife was a waitress when we married...nuff said.

B.B. said...

Jess- I know you will be able to relate to all of this! :)

AHD- I would actually love to write a book about all the stuff people may not think about when they are out to eat.

Dave- I try to make sure you always have the view you love! ;)

Willy- Maybe because you stink!

Mr. M. & Motoroz- There is much more to come!

Webster- I'll bet she has some good stories!

Unknown said...


wow, now we know why our service is slower than normal. I guess things are done for a reason. Thanks for the lesson. Staying tuned for part Two

bobskoot: wet coast scootin

Jackie Savi-Cannon said...

Thanks for sharing with me, it is interesting and from another point of view.

Kathleen Jennette said...

My favorite work was in restaurants. I do understand what you are saying here. But... I am the one paying. Explanation so I don't sound like a pompous bitch...
when I go out these days, I go out cause I want to be served...get away from it. I am willing to pay for it too. The boss or someone in charge should be handling the overload and making everyone happy and not overworking your stations so you can get a good tip. If I don't get served because someone has forgotten me...I forget about them too, in particular when I have dead presidents for a meal out.
Good info here BB!

B.B. said...

KT- Thanks for the comment, I was waiting for the point of "I'm the one paying." That will be one of my topics for a post later.
I totally understand the going out to get out, the reason I love going to restaurants is so that someone is serving me, and believe me, I expect good service when I'm out.
As a manager I do my best to ensure that everyone has a good experience in my restaurant, part of that is by trying to stick to the systems that we have in place to ensure that happens. That is what we do to make sure our sections aren't overworked.
I'm sure nobody likes to be forgotten, I know I sure don't. But I try to look at the big picture as to why I may have been overlooked...Is the restaurant really busy with the servers running their butts off, or are they just too busy hanging out in the back talking about the party they went to last night.
And if they are really busy and end up having to take a table in a different section, it can really mess up their rhythm. That is why when I go out, I sit where they put me, I understand that they are putting me in the best possible place at that time for me to get the best possible service.
Again, thanks for the comment, and I would never think that anyone is pompous just for expressing their opinion. :)

Felix Northwood said...

So much wrong with this. A restaurant isn't machine for processing customers; it's a place I go for the pleasure of enjoying a meal. If I want a particular table, it's your job to accommodate me - I am not interested in your work practices. I HATE being told I can't have the table I want because... well it's a bit inconvenient for the staff. You want my business? Make an effort or I won't be coming back. There are a billion restaurants.